So far this blog screams !OBSESSED WITH HER DOG!... But to be honest, I love my husband a whole lot more than our puppy, even if she is ADORABLE.
I wanted to back track, to our engagement story! I am sad I have not really written in a journal since I met Daniel but I guess that is because I have been too busy being in love with him! I am going to write our engagement story here so I always am able to look back on it. I wrote this on January 16th 2012 which was the day after our engagement.

So my fiance's name is Daniel Jacinto. He is also from San Diego and we had never met until the end of summer 2011. We had only been dating since September 25th 2011 but I understand the saying, “when you know, you know.” We are very in love and very happy together and about a month ago we started looking at rings. I figured out the style and look I really like and about two weeks later we sent pictures of the ring style I like to a jeweler in San Diego because he is a family friend of Daniel. The jeweler said that he has a store back east that had the perfect ring and told Daniel he would alert him once the ring came in. This last weekend, we had a three day weekend so on Wednesday of last week we decided to fly back home to San Diego. Thursday we went to classes and flew home that night. We had an amazing few days doing things like going to an amazing concert with my brothers and sisters, our families got together and went to dinner, I got to hear one of my best friends give his farewell talk, and we ate some amazing Mexican food for every meal. We truly were having an amazing trip. On Sunday after church, the plan was that I was to go to Daniel's house to hang out with him and we were going to spend the evening there with his whole family to celebrate his older brothers birthday. I drove up there and Daniel was getting ready so I was helping his mom make dinner. We were just chatting and when Daniel came down his parents suggested that we go down to the beach and watch the sunset. Little did I know he had arranged all of this with his parents and he said he wanted to stay and help with dinner but they insisted we go and that they could handle it. As we were making the 5 min drive down to the beach, Daniel told me he had talked to the jeweler and that the diamond had come in. He then said the band was on its way so it should be arriving within the next week. I was really excited to hear the progress and didn't think for a second that he was not telling the truth. We got to the beach and walked down to the sand. I played with some birds and then we kept walking down the beach. It started getting a little misty and we felt a few drops and I suggested we go back but he said he wanted to keep going. We got to these rocks and I wanted to climb to the top but he said he wanted to just sit right there. We sat and talked for a few minutes about how pretty the sunset looked, and what a fun trip we were having. He started shifting and getting kind of nervous and I had no idea why because we had just talked about how the ring was not ready yet so I did not think there was ANY way he could be proposing. He sat on the rock and held me and started saying really sweet things. I was flattered and kept thinking, man this would be my ideal proposal spot, too bad the ring isn't here yet because now we have to get engaged up at school. Then he got off the rock and moved so he was standing looking at me telling me how much he loved me and reached for his pocket. I though, no way... there is no way he is about to propose, I know he doesn't have the ring, ah I wish he were going to but I know there is no way. I was just so confused because it seemed so perfect and ideal and what was he doing if he wasn't proposing? Then he pulled out the box and got down on one knee in the sand. He asked if I would marry him and be with him forever and of course I yelled YES and he stood up and hugged me. I couldn't take my hand off my mouth because I was so excited and shocked. I then asked if I could put the ring on because it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was beyond perfect and it was all mine. We took pictures and hugged and then headed back to show everyone. It was the best day of my life up to this point and I will never forget it.
After looking back now at this story, it truly was an amazing memory. Our wedding day was of course an even better day because we were able to be sealed for time and all eternity in the San Diego Temple. There will never be something as amazing as that experience. I will post about that later because that will need to be a separate post. I will post some of my favorite pre engaged pictures and then some of our engagement. I am not going to write about the times when we were just dating, although that too was an amazing time in my life. Amazing enough to know I wanted to be with him forever! haha
Our First Picture Together |

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